Daily Routines - A Typical Day
9am - 9.45am Transport to the Club. For maximum comfort staff and volunteers collect members from home in their
private cars.
9.45 - 10.30am Morning tea with fresh baking from the kitchen.
News and 'catch-up' usually focused around the morning newspaper.
10.30am - Noon Activities e.g. gentle exercise to music; music therapy, listening and singing;
word games: quizzes, crosswords; reminiscing, personal stories; bowls and other indoor activities;
reading: individual and shared; walks in garden.
12.10pm Midday meal - hot dish and dessert.
1.00pm - 2.00pm Rest and relaxation.
2.00pm - 3.15pm Daily outings to: galleries; museums; parks; library; other places of interest
concerts; walks on the beach; shopping; cafes
3.15pm - 4.00pm Afternoon tea
4.00pm - 5.00pm Transport home
* The above programme is a guide only. Timings and activities may change day-to-day *